
America's most prominent Bigfoot hunter found dead

America's most prominent Bigfoot hunter found dead
Dramatic footage claims to show new sighting of Bigfoot – so do …

A 'Bigfoot hunter' who claimed to have filmed the creature has been found dead at her Tennessee home at age 51.

Friends of Claudia Ackley confirmed that the mother had died suddenly after her body was discovered on 2 July from a suspected heart attack.

Her partner, Ed Brown, told The Sun he was away on a business trip where he soon became worried about the lack of communication.

It was then that police visited the property and found Ackley dead in her chair.

The mother-of-two soon became one of America's most prominent Bigfoot hunters after an alleged incident in 2018.

At the time, she shared how she was on a hike with her daughters in California when she spotted something that startled her. Ackley claimed she witnessed an alpha male Sasquatch staring back from behind a tree.

In the footage, her daughter can be heard saying: "I swear to God, mom. I swear to God, on my life, we ran into a Sasquatch."

Ackley went on to call the Department of Fish and Wildlife to report her sighting, however, they said it was a bear.

"My daughters have seen bears," she said. "They're not scared by bears."

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This wasn't the first time Ackley said she had seen such a creature.

Bakcin 2014, Ackley and her then-husband were on a Bigfoot trek in Washington, where she claimed to have locked eyes with a small, 5-foot-tall Bigfoot.

"They're supposed to be there to protect the public," she said. "They're not doing their jobs. If I can save one life, it will be worth it."

Ackley continued: "I realised at that point, looking at the creature, that there's so much of life that we don't know. Life is so beautiful, and I'm wasting my years,' she says. 'I lost 125 pounds and decided to get a divorce . . . It motivated me to chase my dreams and live my life."

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