Unless you've been living under a rock for the past month you'll be aware that Beyonce and Jay - Z have recently welcomed twins into the world.
The superstar couple have named their newly born children, brother and sister, Sir Carter and Rumi.
Not to shy away from the spotlight, Beyonce announced the names of the babies on Instagramin the most spectacular way possible.
For us mere mortals, the notion of showcasing our kids to the world in such a manner is extravagant, but a mother from Ireland has sought to imitate Beyonce in the best way possible.
Complete with a blanket, a pair of trainers, a garden shed and her two twins, Sharon Kellaway did a spot on recreation of that now iconic Instagrampost.
To make it even better, Sharon revealed in her Facebookpost that her six-year-old took the photo, meaning that she probably saved a few quid on hiring a professional photographer.
Kellaway, from Cork, had her twins back in February, and told The Mirror that the photo came about quite randomly.
I had a few spare minutes yesterday when I saw Beyoncé photo online.
When my six-year-old came in, I grabbed a veil from her dress up box and a pink baby blanket and she snapped the shot.
I sent it to my friend Sinead in Canada, who said post it.
It was just random ... I have the twins, the blanket and the veil, a few home-grown flowers in a the garden ... I had what she had, so why not?
Thought my friends would get a giggle ... didn't expect it to go this far!
The craic is mighty.
​Her original Facebook post has now gone viral, receiving over 900 likes, gaining attention in America, Belgium, the Netherlands, Brazil and beyond.
We wonder if Beyonce has seen it yet?
HT Lad Bible The Mirror Facebook
More: People think Beyonce and Jay-Z's son's name proves an old conspiracy theory