Greg Evans
Nov 26, 2017

Instagram/Ning Chen
A dental nurse and her practice have found themselves at the centre of an unprecedented amount of attention after she was dubbed "the most beautiful nurse in the world."
25-year-old Ning Chen, who is from Taiwan, has become an overnight Internet sensation after images of her at work went viral with people being left astonished by her natural beauty.
Her Instagram account now has over 29,000 followers and she has been flooded with messages complimenting her beauty.
It's perhaps not unusual for hoards of people on the Internet to fall head over heels in love with a stunning woman but what happened next is a little odd. have reported that men have been showing up at her surgery in Taichung to book unnecessary root canals and fillings just so they can speak to her.
That isn't creepy at all.
All those men were probably left bitterly disappointed when they learned that Ning already has a boyfriend.
Luckily she sees the funny side of it and has taken all the attention in her stride.
She is quoted as saying:
I can’t believe they say I’m the most beautiful dental nurse in the world!
I’m so happy with all of the appreciation from people.
I have a lot of gratitude for their love.
It’s funny for me.
I enjoy the work, especially the teeth whitening.
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