
BBC's Simon McCoy perfectly sums up May and Trump's meeting in four words

Donald Trump and Theresa May’s meeting at Davos in the Swiss Alps appeared to some to be an awkward affair.

Both the US and UK leader were keen to express the support they have for each other, with the US President pledging to work together.

He said:

We are very much joined at the hip when it comes to the military. We have the same ideas and the same ideals and there’s nothing that would happen to you that we won’t be there to fight for you. You know that.

May in turn referenced the two countries' "special relationship".

But the interaction was seen by some to be stiff.

Picture:Picture: BBC screengrab

Afterwards, journalists attempted to ask Donald Trump about the state visit to the UK, but were quickly met with a stony face.

BBC News' Simon McCoy nails the interaction with just four words:

“Well. That was comfortable”.

Picture:Picture: BBC screengrab 


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