
The BBC shared a powerful film about homophobia and the Catholic Church is furious

Earlier this month, BBC Scotland's 'The Social' published a powerful short film, entitled 'Time for Love', about the day-to-day realities of homophobia.

Written, directed and performered by Sean Lionadh, the viral film - which has so far racked up more than half a million views - is a timely riposte to expectations of conformity placed on LGBT+ people.

Despite being well-received online, the film has caused some controversy; one excerpt in particular has Scottish Catholic Church leaders all fired up.

The scenes in question refer to "Bible bashers" with cardboard placards which "taste like cardboard and smell like hate".

In a letter sent to BBC Scotland director Donalda Mackinnon, Bishop of Paisley John Keenan wrote:

When it comes to important public debates about the wellbeing of the human person and the truth and meaning of human sexuality, Catholics feel their views are becoming increasingly marginalised, almost criminalised.

BBC Scotland defended its decision to share the film, highlighting that 'The Social' is a platform created solely to spotlight the work of young creators.

The film was described as a "personal polemic" whose views on Catholicism reflected the views of its creator, not BBC Scotland more generally:

As a young gay man raised in the Catholic faith, it is seen through his eyes and told in his voice.

It is intended to reflect the challenges and opinions he personally faced while growing up in Scotland.

The statement did, however, state that BBC Scotland regrets that some church members were offended by the film.

As such, Mackinnon has agreed to a meeting in which the subject will be discussed further.

More: This church has an army of first responders to counter any anti-LGBT+ protesters and it's amazing

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