
Hilarious BBC News gaffe sees presenter attempt to talk to completely the wrong person about Piers Morgan

Hilarious BBC News gaffe sees presenter attempt to talk to completely the wrong person about Piers Morgan

A news clip has gone viral after a BBC News presenter attempted to talk to the wrong person about Piers Morgan live on television.

In the hilarious gaffe, BBC News presenter Reeta Chakrabarti mistakenly introduced her guest as lawyer and activist, Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu. The unnamed guest, who was participating over video chat, failed to respond because, of course, Dr. Shola isn’t her name.

The exchange was extremely awkward leaving many to question how it could have happened.

Lawyer and activist Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu is a regular feature on live television, often going head-to-head with Piers Morgan about Meghan Markle.

Before the Good Morning Britain presenter’s shock departure from the show, Dr. Shola and Morgan butted heads once again. Live on air she refuted his statements that much of the couple’s claims are rooted in “race-baiting” and accused Morgan of being “a liar and a disgrace.”

Dr. Shola had been scheduled to discuss Morgan on BBC News yesterday, however, it seems the team may have got their scripts mixed up.

The video has been widely shared online, even by Dr. Shola herself, who tweeted:

“Moment BBC called for Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu ... that’s not me I’m afraid.”

Twitter had a lot to say about the embarrassing blunder after it aired Tuesday afternoon, with some dubbing it a ‘blunderthon’.

“The second-hand embarrassment is making me sweat. OMG!!,” wrote one person.

“Noooo way. That is not @SholaMos1 and that is not how you pronounced her name. Next level embarrassment,” said another.

There’s truly is nothing like live television.

More: Barack Obama once resorted to an altercation with a classmate when called a racial slur

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