Louis Dor
May 17, 2016
We're a nation that wouldn't tear its eyes away from The Great British Bakeoff even if there were a house fire.
We'd sit there, slowly roasting, as we turn to our friends and family and mutter "That's never going to proof in time".
So it's unsurprising that, when news broke that the BBC was cancelling its food website and moving thousands of its recipes, a nation collectively lost its freaking nut.
The BBC press office has clarified, amid some confusion, that the changes over the next few months will include closing the BBC’s Food website, and archiving (but not deleting) some 11,000 of its recipes.
So if you have a good recipe bookmarked, you can still reach the URL, it's just less likely to come up in a Google search.
All new recipes connected to BBC cookery programmes in the future will only stay online for 30 days on BBC Good Food, before being permanently deleted.
BBC Worldwide’s Good Food site is not affected by the changes, which come among others aiming to save more than £15 million.
The reaction, while everyone thought that they'd be losing all their recipes, was teaming with that special brand of British panic - including a petition demanding that the recipes be saved.
The outrage was potent
Some people thought it was a conspiracy that went all the way to the top
Whereas some people definitely needed to pause before hitting 'Tweet'
Whereas others saw a great opportunity for snark
And others saw a gap for certain topical jokes
One thing is for sure, the public bloody love BBC recipes and aren't happy about the cuts
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