Sandra Salathe
Apr 07, 2021

Babylon Bee
A fake news story from a satirical right-wing website managed to fool conservatives - after reporting the entire state of Georgia would be removed from Google Maps.
Babylon Bee - a kind of right-wing answer to The Onion, but less funny - published a story the state of Georgia would be replaced with a blue body of water labeled “Sea of Racism” on all Google Maps platforms, effective immediately.
“We cannot allow these racist laws to stand,” the site quoted the made-up Google Office of Diversity as saying. “That’s why we must act quickly to get states like Georgia off the map, both literally and figuratively.”
Not understanding the concept of fake news - some conservatives believed the story and got mad on social media, and it was pretty funny.
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“I saw this headline and thought it was real at first, until I realized the source. Fooled me! But, this is totally something that Google would do for a day as a protest. Today’s fiction, tomorrow’s reality?” one user wrote on Facebook.
“A step too short. Google would instead just redefine the US to only include the Blue states and restrict access to social media and the Internet to just those states. That would deliver JUSTICE FOR THE OPPRESSED!! Words are violence you know,” wrote another.
One said: “I think Justice Thomas is right about regulating social media,” while another added: “They are trying to erase Trump, it’s not really that far fetched.”
Another person who missed the joke and let it fly right over his head added: “So google determined georgia to be blue and never red again? ....way to go with voter suppression.”
You can see more of the responses underneath the post below.
"We at Google are taking a stand against Georgia's racist voter ID law."
Posted by The Babylon Bee on Tuesday, April 6, 2021
This particular form of fake news is in response to the Georgia’s recent voter law, which many are calling racist. Under the new legislation, signed by Republican Governor Brian Kemp, requires voter identification for absentee ballots. The unidentified spokesman clarified that while Georgia might be removed from its map, Google hasn’t completely abandoned the state.
“Google will still provide one-way driving directions out of the state for anyone who currently resides in Georgia,” he noted. “Also, we will still provide directions to any out-of-state celebrities or businesses who want to donate money to the Georgia Democratic Party.”
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