
Baby born during the eclipse has a very special name

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It's estimated that around 353,000 babies are born every day, which works out at about 255 births per minute.

That's a lot of new babies, born in all sorts of places, such as the Post Office, or Disneyland.

The chances of being born during a total solar eclipse are pretty rare, but that's exactly what happened to one family in America on Monday.

As millions of Americans safely watched the moon pass in front of the sun in one of the great celestial phenomena's known to man, one set of parents were introducing their child to the world.

And yes, her parents naturally named her Eclipse.

The news was announced on the Greenville Health System Facebook page, a hospital based in South Carolina that was in the path of eclipse's totality.

Speaking to CNN, Eclipse's parents, The Eubanks, revealed that they were a little overwhelmed by the whole experience.

Her father Michael Eubanks said:

Wow, my child is born on something that happens every so many years. It's extremely rare.

Come to think of it, Eclipse Eubanks definitely sounds like a heroine from a sci-fi novel.

Meanwhile, over in Lincoln, Nebraska, Mariel and Landon Olp welcomed their third daughter to the world.

They didn't name her Solaris or Luna, but instead chose Rose, a name that will never go out of fashion.

Mariel told the Lincoln Journal Star:

Although that would be really, really neat and creative, we're not doing any cool solar eclipse names.

This is all well and good but is there any significance to being born during an eclipse?

According to Romper, the famous astrologer Charles Jayne believed that people born during an eclipse were often fearless of danger and the opinions of others.

On top of that, they could also be daunting individuals and ruthless in their actions should anyone cross them.

While there is no science to that theory, it certainly sounds like the Eubanks's and the Olp's might have a pair of formidable babies on their hands.

HT CNN Journal Star Romper Facebook The World Counts

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