Lowenna Waters
Nov 05, 2018

Mike Coppola / Getty Images
We all know that what's going on in the United States of America is far from good - in fact, it's often been described as a 'nightmare'.
Now, just to consolidate how bad things have got, Axl Rose is even starting to make sense, after he took to Twitter on Sunday to lay out his opinions regards the current president of the United States.
If you want reminding over why this is strange, Rose has in the past been pulled up for both racism and homophobia. In May this year, Guns N’ Roses cut the song 'One in a Million' from the release of their classic album Appetite for Destruction due to racist and homophobic language.
One of the lines in the track, which was originally released on their 1988 EP G N’ R Lies, that resulted in the track being cut included:
Immigrants and f******, they make no sense to me.
Now, just two days ahead of the midterm elections, the Guns N' Roses frontman has made it very clear that he has zero respect for POTUS.
Speaking ahead of the elections, Rose explained that the Trump administration had been employing 'loopholes' to use Guns N' Roses songs such as 'Sweet Child of Mine' at their political functions, despite the fact they didn't have permission.
Taking to Twitter on Sunday he wrote:
Just so ya know... GNR like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events has formally requested r music not b used at Trump rallies or Trump associated events.
He then added:
Unfortunately the Trump campaign is using loopholes in the various venues’ blanket performance licenses which were not intended for such craven political purposes, without the songwriters’ consent. Can u say “s***bags?!
Then, he added a few more thoughts.
Personally I kinda liked the irony of Trump supporters listening to a bunch of anti Trump music at his rallies but I don’t imagine a lot of ‘em really get that or care.
And was keen to clarify that his band wasn't 'pro-Trump' in any way.
And when ur phone’s blowin’ up cuz peeps r seein’/hearin’ Sweet Child on the news at a rally... as a band we felt we should clarify r position. Peace!
Then, in another thread, he expanded on his absolute slap-down of The Donald.
The internet mostly responded to the thread with a rousing standing ovation.
When asked to explain the lyrics of the racist and homophobic song 'One in a Million', in 1988, Rose said:
I used the word ‘n*****’ because it’s a word to describe somebody that is basically a pain in your life, a problem. The word ‘n*****’ doesn’t necessarily mean black.
I was p***** off about some black people that were trying to rob me. I wanted to insult those particular black people.
Regarding the immigrants line, he said:
A lot of people from countries like Iran, Pakistan, China, Japan, et cetera, get jobs in these convenience stores and gas stations. Then they treat you like you don’t belong here.
When asked to expand on the use of the derogatory term 'f******', he said that he'd had some 'very bad' experiences with homosexuals, including an attempted rape, reports The Guardian.
I’m not against them doing what they want to do as long as it’s not hurting anybody else and they’re not forcing it upon me.
Elton John, who has in the past performed with Rose, condemned his comments, saying he was shocked that the artist was homophobic.
Speaking in 2017, he said:
Never in a million years did I think [Axl Rose] was homophobic … I’ll fight for anyone who is misunderstood and misrepresented by the idiots out there.
More: Rihanna, Pharrell and Axl Rose ask Trump to stop playing their music at his rallies
More: Axl Rose was warning people about Jeff Sessions months ago

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