
Man tries to outrun a police motorbike and it backfires badly

Surfers Paradise has the kind of name that evokes so much. Of course, such monikers can be deceiving, as is clearly proven by the disappointment that is Crystal Palace or a clothes horse.

The coastal suburb in Queensland, Australia is seen as something of a, ahem, paradise by locals and tourists alike (despite the irritating lack of apostrophe) but things took a turn this week with an astonishing police chase through the streets.

Video has emerged of a man being arrested for allegedly being in possession of dangerous drugs. The atmosphere seems relatively calm as the officer explains what will happen next before the 40-year-old man in question simply decides to make a run for it.

We still don’t know if there will ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark but it seems unlikely a middle-aged man will ever outpace a motorbike. This bloke makes a decent fist of it, though, until a passing member of the public decides to give the police a hand.

The low speed chase ends with the helpful citizen telling the policeman, “I saw him running and thought I’d better join you.”

The man has since been charged with one count each of possession of a dangerous drug (methylamphetamine) and police obstruction. Worse still, his pathetic escape attempt is available for all to see.

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