
First there were 'murder hornets', now 'gypsy moths' are the insects that everyone is worried about

First, there was 'World War 3' (remember that?), then Brexit, then coronavirus and then 'murder hornets'. Surely 2020 couldn't get any worse?

Well, just when you thought it was OK to go outside Asian gypsy moths are here to ruin everything, at least in the US state of Washington.

Yes, after being the state with the first reported case of Covid-19 as well as the first reported sighting of the so-called 'murder hornets,' Washington is now playing home to another dangerous six-legged fiend.

Asian gypsy moths and Asian-European hybrid gypsy moths, according to CNN, have been spotted in parts of Snohomish County, leading to Gov. Jay Inslee issuing a 'imminent danger of an infestation' proclamation.

The proclamation reportedly read as follows:

This imminent danger of infestation seriously endangers the agricultural and horticultural industries of the state of Washington and seriously threatens the economic well-being and quality of life of state residents.

According to the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service the moths can completely defoliate trees and bushes which can significantly weaken them, leaving them prone to illnesses. Female gypsy moths can also lay hundreds of eggs which will hatch into caterpillars that can devour more than 500 species of trees and shrubs.

Like other species of moths, these critters also have wings so they could easily spread around the US quickly. Indeed, in August 2000 Lake County, Illinois had to be quarantined following an infestation of gypsy moths.

Not to be doom-mongers or anything like but news of the gypsy moths has folks Twitter already concerned.

However, as you can see in the video at the top of this article, local authorities have already begun to spray areas with insecticide to stop the spread of the insects.

This news comes not long after it was claimed that the threat that the 'murder hornets' posed to human life may have been greatly exaggerated.

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