The news is relentlessly bleak at the moment.
But thankfully, the world of children’s TV never fails to drag us out of our Brexit/Trump/rest-of-the-world-related misery.
Remember the very lovable teacher Mr Ratburn from Arthur? Well, this rat just tied the knot in an animal wedding with another male rat.
In the landmark episode, entitled 'Mr Ratburn and the Special Someone', Arthur and his friends plan to ruin Mr Ratburn’s wedding to a woman they see him with, fearing the couple are a bad match
Though the group soon figures out that the woman is actually Mr Ratburn’s sister, and his fiance is a man who makes Mr. Ratburn very happy. So not only does this show make for an inclusive addition, it also tackles the group’s assumption that their teacher was heterosexual and marrying a woman.
In a statement to the Daily Dot, PBS Kids said its programming is “designed to reflect the diversity of communities across the nation”.
They said:
We believe it is important to represent the wide array of adults in the lives of children who look to PBS Kids every day.
It made people on Twitter very happy indeed.
Many see this gay storyline within a children’s show as a sign of the changing times.
And I say, "Hey!" What a wonderful kind of gay...
H/T: The Daily Dot