
Arnold Schwarzenegger mocks Trump's failed university during speech to 2020 graduates

ATTN/Alex Brandon/AP

The feud between Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger is one that is as old as time and predates the former's ascension to the White House.

Despite both being Republicans both men have very different ideologies about politics, which the movie star won't hesitate to mock Trump for whenever he can.

The mockery has now extended to Trump's various failed business ventures, namely the Trump university, which never truly existed and was put to bed in 2018 after the president was forced to pay out a £20 million settlement to former students.

Schwarzenegger took a not so subtle dig at the institution in an open speech to the graduates of 2020, many of whom have been receiving speeches from notable figures via video calls like Zoom, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic.

In an Instagram video made in conjunction with the media company ATTN, Schwarzenegger goes through the tribulations that the world is currently experiencing because of Covid-19 and the physical struggles he had to overcome when filming the latest Terminator movie. Towards the end of the nearly 12-minute speech, the former governor of California tells the graduates to celebrate and not to view their success as a 'piece of paper' on a wall.

He then holds up a mock degree from Trump University and adds:

You are celebrating that journey today, not just a piece of paper that you hang on the wall.

This is nothing. We all have these pieces of paper. 

The 72-year-old star also went into painful detail about his 2018 heart surgery which was a noninvasive procedure to install a valve but almost resulted in his death.

They said they broke through the heart wall, and there was internal bleeding, and I could have died if they didn't open up my sternum and do open-heart surgery.

No matter how successful you are, life will throw obstacles in your path like it was with my heart surgery or like with your graduation now. 

But if you have a very clear vision like I talked about earlier, of exactly what you want to do, and who you want to be, you can go and find a way around all of those obstacles.

Schwarzenegger ended the video by revealing that despite wearing a suit jacket he actually only had a pair of shorts on his bottom half, joking: "My calves look okay, so don't worry about my pants now."

Alls well that ends well for Arnie but perhaps think twice before you consider applying to the same university that he went to...

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