Jessica Brown
Aug 18, 2017

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Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t a stranger to speaking out against Donald Trump.
He attacked the US President for pulling out of the Paris climate deal earlier this year, and also told him to hire a new fact checker and joke writer after Trump tweeted that that former Governor of California was was leaving The Apprentice.
Now the movie star and politician has a new message for Trump, following POTUS' controversial response to the violent Charlottesville protests last weekend, where one woman was killed and many injured.
Trump has received widespread condemnation for saying there was blame to go around on “many sides”.
Schwarzenegger said in an exclusive video for ATTN:
There are not to sides to bigotry and hatred. And if you choose to march with a flag that symbolises the slaughter of millions of people, there are not two sides.
He continues:
The only way to beat the loud, angry voices of hate is to meet them with louder, more reasonable voices.
He adds that Trump has a “moral responsibility to send an unequivocal message that you won’t stand for hate and racism".
Arnie also offers to help Trump write his speech:
The country that defeated Hitler’s armies is no place for Nazi flags. The party of Lincoln won’t stand with those who carry the battle flag of the failed Confederacy.
After addressing Mr Trump's failings, he then continues to address a message direct to the neo-Nazis who marched and fought in Virginia:
Your heroes are losers. You are supporting a lost cause. Believe me, I knew the original Nazis.
Schwarzenegger explains that he was born in Austria in 1947, shortly after the Second World War.
Growing up, I was surrounded by broken men ― men who came home from the war filled with shrapnel and guilt. Men who were misled into a losing ideology.
And these ghosts who you idolise spent the rest of their lives living in shame. And right now they’re resting in hell.
Here's the full video from ATTN:
Schwarzenegger is encouraging people to support their "favourite anti-hate organisation".
More: Arnold Schwarzenegger had the best response to Donald Trump
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