Narjas Zatat
Dec 13, 2018
Following the Midterm elections, the Democrats have taken back control of the House of Representatives, and Conservative pundit Ann Coulter, doesn’t like it.
Democrats have brought in a diverse group of Representatives, including Rep-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, the first Muslim women in Congress.
Speaking on Fox News about the emerging left, Ann Coulter manages to offend everybody with her rant.
‘They all hate one another,’ she began.
‘I mean you have the Muslims and the Jews and the various exotic sexual groups and the black church ladies with the college queers.’
The only thing that keeps the Democratic base together is for them to keep focusing on: “No, white men are the ones keeping you down, you must hate white men.” It’s the only thing they all have in common.
Needless to say, her racist rant was not received well
'This has to be one of the most racist things ever said on television. Advertisers, are you really going to support this?' one Twitter user wrote.
Col. Morris Davis added: ‘Actually, @AnnCoulter, I’m a gun-owning white man who was born and raised in the rural south before spending 25 years serving in the military and I’d rather stand with Muslims, Jews and African-American church ladies than with you and your Russian, rubes and racist comrades.’
Others are comparing her to another Conservative pundit, Tomi Lahren...
Ann Coulter later stoked the fires and took to Twitter to repeat the offensive things she said on Fox News:
Dems don’t want people to notice that their base is composed of diametrically opposed groups. RESULT: Anti-Semites founding the Women’s March; Trannies screaming at vagina-centered [sic] Feminists, Hollywood dumping Kevin Hart.
Criticism for the conservative pundit was swift
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