
Andrea Leadsom went on TV to talk about Coronavirus and appeared to be very confused

In Wuhan, China, hundreds of people have been infected with the potentially deadly coronavirus. The World Health Organization has said it is too early to declare an international emergency, but still the rest of the world remains on high alert.

As a result, Wuhan has been put on lockdown, and its 11 million inhabitants have been told they cannot leave the city except for in "exceptional circumstances". All flights in have been cancelled, and yes, that includes flights to the UK.

But it seems business secretary Angela Leadsom didn't get the memo. She appeared on Sky News yesterday, stating the blindingly obvious: that it was a "huge concern" to the rest of the world, but especially "that city in China which I understand is now in lockdown".

When she eventually remembers the name of the place she's talking about, she really doesn't come off any better.

As I understand it we are now routinely checking all flights from Wuhan.

OK but you just said the city is in lockdown? So... what flights do you mean, exactly?

So confused.

Maybe next time a government minister goes on TV to try and assuage our concerns about a massive medical emergency, they could try and get their facts in order first.

HT: HuffPost

MORE: Should we be worried about the Wuhan coronavirus? Here’s what we know so far

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