Greg Evans
Jun 18, 2017

Channel Four
Today's forecast, pain!
Since its release in 2004, comedy Anchorman has quickly become a classic amongst film fans.
The film, starring Will Ferrell, centres on rival news teams who fight for supremacy in 1970s San Diego.
One of the most iconic scenes in the film is a huge brawl between a host of different news teams.
It's ridiculously hilarious and to be honest we didn't think it could be topped.
Until now...
Channel 4's popular comedy chat show The Last Leg produced a spoof of the scene this week and it might star a few faces you recognise.
How good was that?
Everything from the Sky News team using Boris bikes to Sarah-Jane Mee's bullwhip is just perfection and we can't even find the words to express how good the cameo at the end is.
It seems the good people on Twitter agreed but wanted to know where the BBC team were.
People are also loving Ed Miliband's funny side and are asking where that charisma was whilst he was leader of the Labour Party.
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