
These are the American foods British people think are weird

Shutterstock / nada54

You could say America and Britain are culinary cousins. Our diets are somewhat closely related, but at the same time, they're totally different.

Brits have taken to Quora to share the American foods they find strange and disgusting.

According to Adam Steiner, it’s lots of things.

My American father in law sometimes tries to make me eat something called “shit on a shingle”, which looks exactly like its name. Supposedly, the small brown things which float about in it are beef.

Picture:Picture: Adam Steinter / Quora 

Then there's baloney. I mean we all know how processed meat is made, but baloney almost brags about it.

Zero fat milk. That's not milk - that's water with some white in it.

Lite beer. If a company can't spell light, they sure as hell aren't going to know how to make good beer. Turns out they don't.

Orange “cheese” squares and/or cheese whizz. Just no.

Syrup on bacon, with pancakes. Really? And chocolate? Why not add some jello and a crab while you're at it.

For Glyn Williams, it’s Hershey’s.

Picture:Picture: Shutterstock / chrisdorney

He writes:

On first glance, it appears to be some sort of chocolate.

It’s fair to say that British mass-produced chocolate tends to be a bit sweeter and a lower quality product than that in mainland Europe. But it’s pleasant and edible.

But this American product is utterly bizarre. It tastes, I shit you not, of vomit. Yep! They sell vomit-flavoured chocolate. And people actually buy it. Presumably they assume that chocolate is supposed to taste that way.

It’s as if the American chocolate industry was founded by someone, who arrived in North America without the actual recipe, and filled in with some guesswork. Perhaps Mr. Hershey (or whoever it was) replaced milk with rotting powdered parmesan or something.

When he tasted the resulting product, shrugged and said “close enough”.


Biscuits and gravy are what grinds Jack Fraser’s gears.

Picture: Picture: Shutterstock / Porter Lansing IV

He writes:

Not only is the name utterly wrong to British ears (if you ask someone here if they wanted “biscuits and gravy” here you will either a) end up in a mental institute, or b) be hounded out of town like a demon), but the actual thing doesn't look much better.

I mean seriously guys - that stuff looks pretty damn unappetising.

You've taken a food item traditionally eaten in the UK with cream and jam - and decided it would be better with some weirdass sausage-jizz-sauce.

You gave it a name which makes it sound bloody awful to British people. In case you haven't gathered - this is not a popular food item in the UK.

And we would rather it stayed that way - it looks ghastly.

Charlie Taylor has a very specific gripe

Wintergreen flavoured sweets.

Why would anyone eat something that smells like a topical antiseptic (Germolene) for pleasure?


Will Man writes:

Tinned meat like Spam is under appreciated over here.

Ernest W. Adams gets to the root of the problem

The most common one has to be root beer, which some British people buy without realising that it's not beer. Few of them can stand it.

Paul Murphy is repulsed by peanut butter and jam

The obvious candidate for this is the PB&J, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. These are pretty common in the US, and to many British people the very idea is repulsive.

Chemical stew - yummy

David Sun writes:

Lipton tea, which my British friends have best described to me as chemical stew.

They have no idea how Lipton stays in business in the US. Frankly, after having spent some time in London and having lots of good tea, I don't know either.

More: 11 things British people just do not understand about America

More: 23 things British people do better than Americans

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