Darren Richman
Mar 06, 2020

Rex Features
Amber Rudd has angrily tweeted about the decision of Oxford students to “no platform” her, but at least she hasn’t been wrongly deported like those at the heart of the Windrush Scandal.
The UNWomen Oxford UK Society cancelled its event with the former Conservative home secretary due to speak on International Women’s Day. Rudd responded on Twitter, because she does in fact have a platform:
Badly judged & rude of some students last night at Oxford to decide to “no platform” me 30 mins before an event I had been invited to for #IWD2020 to encourage young women into politics. They should stop hiding and start engaging. #FreeSpeech
An hour before the event was due to take place, the society put a statement on Facebook announcing the cancellation:
Following a majority vote in committee, tonight’s event with speaker Amber Rudd has been cancelled. We are deeply sorry for all and any hurt caused to our members and other wom*n and non-binary people in Oxford over this event.
Rudd's daughter was unhappy.
The president of the society which had organised the event told the Daily Mail that:
It was ultimately my decision but every single person on the committee was against and I was given no choice.
I was adamant we weren't going to cancel because I think she was a great feminist to be platforming and because she has worked on UN campaigns, it seemed right. It was the Oxford African and Caribbean Society – who hold a lot of power – who really applied the pressure and forced us to cancel.
Given Rudd's involvement in the Windrush Scandal, it seems understandable that the African and Caribbean society may not want her to speak.
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