A North Carolina teenager read out the lyrics to Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's sexually explicit 'WAP' to an evangelical Christian preacher protesting outside an abortion clinic.
Phillip 'Flip' Benham, who founded the anti-choice organisation Operation Save America, struggled through his sermon as 19-year-old Alex Cueto loudly recited 'WAP's lyrics to him. Hannah Bauerle, also 19, filmed and posted the encounter to TikTok, where it quickly went viral.
Cueto and Bauerle volunteer as "defenders" outside health clinics in Charlotte, North Carolina, escorting people through throngs of protesters.
They regularly film their run-ins with anti-abortion activists, and post the results to TikTok.
Cueto explained the inspiration behind her 'WAP' counter-protest to Insider.
'WAP' has gathered a lot of attention because it's a song made by women [about] reclaiming our bodies and talking about our own female anatomy, rather than what society is used to — men talking about women's bodies. I figured Flip hadn't been exposed to the song yet and should hear it.
Cueto and Bauerle volunteer with Charlotte for Choice, a non-profit which supports people's continued access to safe and legal abortions.
They regularly encounter Benham, who has preached outside the clinic for the past 18 years.
Benham reportedly confirmed that he was indeed unfamiliar with 'WAP' and also with the concept of a TikTok.
People are praising the young women for their activism.
Others described it as "the weirdest rap battle in history".
Protecting healthcare rights is more critical than ever as the Republicans repeatedly platform anti-choice speakers as part of their reelection campaign.
Protests like Cueto's and songs like Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's remind us that women and non-binary people have a right to be in control of our own sexualities and bodies.