
This woman was called a fat whale so now she's campaigning to save the whales

(Picture: KCEN TV
(Picture: KCEN TV

Sixteen-year-old Dannie McMillan, from Texas turned a moment of cyberbullying into an opportunity to raise money for whales, when she found that someone in her class had created a Twitter account likening her to a whale, KCEN news reports.

Dannie, from Lampasas High School found a Twitter account with the handle 'Dannie is a fat whale’ with an image of a whale superimposed over her face.

The moment I got out of the classroom, I started crying. I was just really upset and so embarrassed.

Part of me wants to cry all day, and another part of me wants to wear a t shirt with a whale on it and wear it to school to say they can’t get to me.

After messaging her idol, plus-size model Laura-Lee on Facebook, she was encouraged to start a campaign on the website Booster, to raise money for Save the Whale Foundation by selling T-shirts with the words ‘Dee the Fat Whale saves The Whales’ printed across the front.

Picture: Booster

Dannie has made over $5,000 selling her T-shirts, and her GoFundMe page - of which all proceeds will also go towards saving endangered whales - she has raised over $8,000.

Just because I'm big doesn't mean I can't be beautiful.

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