Gabriel Samuels
Mar 17, 2016

The reaction to Wednesday's Budget has been heated to say the least, so the last thing the Chancellor needs is to be the butt of any jokes.
Enter Chris Bryant, Shadow Leader of the House, to deliver a remark that left certain parts of the Commons in stitches.
Addressing Parliament on the subject of Osborne's proposed sugar tax, Bryant said:
Last week I announced that the obesity strategy would be out soon - and now we have it. Or at least part of it, the sugar tax.
I'm delighted that finally the Chancellor has realised the dangers of coke.
[Cue laughter from the Labour benches]
He concluded:
He [Osborne] couldn't bring himself to use the words himself and used the word 'cola' instead. Maybe the leader could explain to us why.
On the Tory front bench Chris Grayling looked distinctly unamused, cocking an eyebrow and giving the tiniest shake of his head.
Bryant and Osborne probably won't be sharing a friendly can anytime soon.
More: Here's George Osborne being bullied by two children in a school playground
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