
Half of an 8th grade class shunned this photo with Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan/Instagram

United States House of Representatives Speaker, Republican Paul Ryan, posted a picture on Instagram on Friday.

It portrayed him with a group of eighth grade (the US equivalent of UK year nine) students from New Jersey while they were on a school trip.

What it doesn't show, is the other half on the class that refused to take a picture with the controversial politician - who in recent months has been criticised for refusing to challenge Donald Trump.

The students from South Orange Middle School, were on a trip to Washington D.C.

Matthew Malespina, a student at the school decided he couldn't go through with it.

Speaking toABC news he said:

It's not just a picture.

It's being associated with a person who puts his party before his country.

He texted his Mother the night before saying he didn't want to do it.

Elissa Malespina, Matthew's mother, said:

The point was, 'I don't want to be associated with him, and his policies and what he stands for'.

However, some parents and students disagreed.

Miles Handelmn, took a picture with the leader.

He told ABC news:

I thought it would be very cool just seeing the man who is the third most powerful man in our country.

It would be cool, even if you disagree with him.

More: This Wikipedia page says Paul Ryan is spineless

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