
Young girl calls out 4th of July parade announcer as ‘sexist and patronising’

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A 12-year-old girl called a 4th July announcer ‘sexist’ in a viral letter to the editor of her town’s magazine.

Julianne Speyer was attending a parade in Chesterfield, Ohio when she heard the announcer talking about Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

In the letter, which has been shared on Facebook and Twitter tens of thousands of times, she wrote:

'My name is Julianne Speyer.'

I am 12 years old and I would like to inform you of how offended and disappointed I am by the announcer of the Chesterland 4th of July parade's comment about the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.

The announcer labelled the Boy Scouts as 'future leaders of America and he said the Girl Scouts were 'just having fun.'

Speyer didn’t like the announcer’s categorisation of girls and boys.

Not one bit.

I found this comment very sexist and patronizing.

I would appreciate it if you would help me to let other people know how much this kind of thing happens and how bad it is. I feel it is an insult to both girls and women of all ages. This kind of thing happens way too much and it is not OK at all.

(Giphy )

Lots of people praised the young girl and her 'wokeness'.

Gareth Brown, a UK scout leader wrote on Facebook:

As a UK Scout Leader I applaud this young lady. We’ve been co-ed in Scouts since the late 70’s and everyone is treated equally. There is no division. Everyone is a future leader in life.

There’s no division, no discrimination and you achieve to be what you want to be. Julianne, you’ll go far!

Another wrote:

Good you put this out there Julianne. Proud of you. We need women and girls like you. Go change the world.

Twitter users praised the girl scout too.


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