The Conversation (0)
Joanna Taylor
Dec 29, 2019

2019 was the year of Marriage Story, Knives Out, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and... Cats. But everyone has an opinion on those. Let's take a moment to look back on the most solidly 'OK' films of the last year.
Comedian and Gilmore Guys podcast host Demi Adejuyigbe asked Twitter to help him sift through the most middle of the road films of 2019 to crown the most okay movie of the year.
People are a bit bored with superheroes.
They're kind of underwhelmed with blockbusters generally.
Some opinions were more controversial than others.
Rom coms weren't safe.
And nor was Disney.
But these are the official most okay movies of the year, as chosen by the public.
Adejuyigbe had some thoughts about the correct answer himself.
Although not everyone agreed.
We're ready for another year of doing mediocre.
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