
14 of Trump's most bizarre Twitter moments

Since announcing his run for president, Donald Trump’s use of Twitter has been one of the most divisive issues of our time.

Some admire his “honesty”, while others view his Twitter feed as an example of someone who is mentally unhinged and view it as an embarrassment. No one quite knows whether his tweets are completely serious or specifically designed to provoke controversy. But, as we saw throughout the 2016 election campaign and beyond, Trump's Twitter is a hugely effective campaign tool. With this in mind, we’ve reflected on some of Trump’s most outlandish Twitter moments.

Trump on his own mental state

It’s not always an encouraging sign when the president of the United States has to defend his own mental state on Twitter, but here we are.

Trump on CNN

Trump has always made his feelings towards “fake news” clear, but no one was prepared for him to tweet a video of himself beating up CNN.

Trump’s infamous Britain First retweets

In November 2017 Trump retweeted tweets from Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of “racist” far-right party Britain First, who are now banned from Twitter for spreading hate speech. The videos, which were quickly debunked, were designed to encourage negative feelings towards Muslims. They have since been removed.

Trump on his female critics

During the 2016 election campaign, Trump slut-shamed Alicia Machado, who won his Miss Universe pageant in 1996 and spoke out in favour of his opponent Hillary Clinton, claiming that she had a sex tape. Such a recording was never uncovered.

Trump on Muslims

During the 2016 election campaign, Trump frequently characterised Muslims as dangerous and a threat to America. This has continued into his presidency, with the infamous Muslim “travel ban”.

Trump on Theresa May

After Theresa May criticised Trump for retweeting far-right activists from Britain First, Trump-style diplomacy kicked in as he publicly denounced her on Twitter.

Trump on the NHS

Despite British people spending far less on healthcare than Americans, while also having a lower life expectancy, Trump decided to have a go at the NHS.

Trump on Hillary

There’s far too many anti-Hillary, or “Crooked Hillary” as Trump dubbed her, tweets to list, but when Trump retweeted a video that depicts him hitting a golf ball at Clinton, it made most people wonder how much lower he could sink.

Trump on Democrats

Trump has never been kind to his opponents in the Democratic party. But this tweet, in which he blames them for practically everything and predicts a virtual apocalypse if they are elected, is particularly erratic.

Trump on visiting the UK

When it became clear that massive crowds would protest his visit to London, Trump abruptly cancelled the visit via – you’ve guessed it – Twitter! He blamed his cancellation on the new US Embassy in London not being up to his high standards.

Trump on Sadiq Khan

Trump has consistently berated London Mayor Sadiq Khan for his response to crime. Within minutes of a terrorist attack in London, Trump was quick to point the finger of blame in Khan’s direction.

We might not know where Trump's presidency will lead, but if one thing is certain, there will be more outlandish tweets along the way.

More: Everything that Donald Trump has said about the UK on Twitter

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