Shehab Khan
Apr 10, 2015

Labour has parodied an infamous 1970s Tory election poster showing a queue outside a job centre in its new poster campaign, which focuses on NHS waiting times.
While Saatchi and Saatchi's 'Labour isn't working' poster is seen as having changed political advertising forever, there are some posters the Conservative Party would no doubt hope we forgot about entirely.
This poster was used to depict then chancellor, Liberal Lloyd George, as an ignorant German bomber.
Apparently this is about free trade, and not race hate.
Here the Welsh are being used to portray the economic climate in 1909.
This slogan was used in opposition to the proposed Budget.
Some classic Tory scaremongering about socialism.
In fact, perhaps some things never change.
What do housewives care about? Cheaper shopping! And more sugar! Apparently.
But two years later it was all about freedom.
Worst slogan ever.
Tugging at the nation's heartstrings once more.
This time around it's not the poster itself that is offensive, but the suggestion that Labour didn't regard ethnic minority voters as British citizens.
Picture source: Conservative Party archive. With thanks to Bodleian Libraries.
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More: [The worst political adverts of all time]5
More: [Politicians and awkward photos - A brief history]6
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