Louis Dor
Sep 04, 2015
One in ten British adults would take a refugee into their home for six months, a survey of 1,642 has shown.
The survey, conducted between 2 - 3 September by YouGov, said that Lib Dem voters were most likely to say yes to this arrangement, at nearly one in five. Ukip were least likely to, with only two per cent saying they would.
Younger people were more likely to volunteer their homes, one in five of 18-24 year olds. Four out of five of those over 60 said they would refuse to share their home with a Syrian refugee.
By a small margin, Scottish people were more likely to offer their homes.
Survey respondents were also asked if they would support their local council housing ten Syrian refugee families, a strategy that has been suggested in light of growing demands for Primer Minister David Cameron to increase the number of accepted applicants for asylum from Syrian nationals.
Forty-one per cent supported this policy compared to 48 who opposed it.
Sixty-six per cent of Ukip supporters strongly opposed this policy, whereas the majority of Labour and Lib Dem supporters agreed with it.
Again, younger people were more likely to welcome this policy, while a majority of those aged over 40 opposed it.
Scotland was also the region most likely to support council housing of 10 refugee families.
In case you missed those Ukip stats, here they are again.
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