
I tried reformer pilates for the first time - here's how it went

I tried reformer pilates for the first time - here's how it went

I tried reformer pilates for the first time - here's how it went

Reform RX

Like many, I've long been a lover of pilates and yoga for years. But there's only so many different poses and routines you can do before it becomes repetitive.

So when I heard about reformer pilates I was intrigued to see what the difference would be between between traditional mat and the reformer.

"A reformer adds spring resistance," Yvette McGaffin, co-founder of Reform RX, explains to me. "You're loading that on the body as kind of an exterior force. But it also supports the body during exercises to really isolate and target the muscle area."

"The reformer is like your own island," Yvette tells me when I ask about the benefits. "The reformer takes you away from the stresses of everyday life, from work to what's for dinner. There's no room to think about anything else because all your focus is on the exercise.

"It's almost like a mediative state; a mind body connection."

Approaching the reformer machine felt a bit like willingly walking into a Saw trap. There were so many different elements to the machine, and foolishly I had watched an unhealthy amount of 'reformer fail' videos on TikTok before my trial session.

"Obviously, the reformer can look a little intimidation, there's a lot of apparatus going on, plus straps. Medieval torture device is thrown around a lot," she laughs.

Thankfully the Reform RX comes with a plethora of beginner guides and classes, so I started by watching a few minute-long videos to understand the machine better and how to use it safely and effectively.

Whilst I wanted to try out all the cool and challenging poses I had seen online, I knew that would be a foolish choice. So instead I settled for a 30 minute beginner class.

I was nervous at first but trusted myself, and the instructor on screen guided me through. I had a few laughs at myself trying to get into certain positions on the machine in the least-awkward way possible.

By the end of my hour trial with the machine I came away knowing two things: I'd never done a more challenging workout, and I wanted to do it again.

My legs were shaking for the rest of the day after using the resistance mechanism on the machine, and I did more side planks than I had perhaps wished. But I was itching for more afterwards.

So if you're looking to add something new to your exercise routine, or are simply looking for a challenge, why not check out a reformer pilates class?

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