A dating expert on TikTok revealed how a stranger asked her out - and outlined all the things he did right in the process.
Simone Grossman, who goes by @internetyenta on TikTok, is an artist and matchmaker at the matchmaking company, Three Day Rule, spoke about her most recent dating experience.
In the video captioned, “Shout out to a lovely Canadian man named Martin who put himself out there today 🙃,” Grossman begins talking about being asked out in a park and why it was done “successfully.”
“So, I’m sitting in this park by a lake waiting for my friend to come, and this guy comes up to me and stands about eight feet from me the entire interaction,” she said.
Grossman further notes that she didn’t feel uncomfortable and felt that he respected her “personal space.”
She also spoke about his opening line and how it was particular to her “energy” and not a comment about physical appearances.
His opener also gave her “an out” if she didn’t want to talk to him, he wouldn’t pressure her.
It would essentially allow for a “polite exit.”
Simone Grossman speaks about a recent experience getting asked on a date by a stranger.Photo courtesy of @internetyenta/TikTok
Grossman later revealed the opening line in the comments: “He was talking about how it looked like I was meditating/ in the midst of a deep contemplation lol.”
Additionally, she mentions that the stranger also waited for her friend to come before asking for her number, which was “a lovely move because it further alleviated any pressure that I might have felt.”
Towards the end of the video clip, Grossman reassures men watching this that they don’t have to follow the situation step-by-step when they’re in the process of courting someone. It’s just a fantastic example of how it could be done.
The video, which has been viewed over 270,000 times, received a lot of feedback that agreed with Grossman’s sentiments.
“I don’t know wth is happening in this comment section, but I’m glad you had a nice interaction like that :) it’s rare!” wrote a commenter
“This is lovely! I’m glad to know there are men this respectful out there,” wrote another.
Others didn’t agree with the strategy and would rather be single or move on to someone else.
“Don’t do it, guys. It’s just not a good idea in 2021. Stay single,” a third commenter wrote.
“Too complicated. I would have said f that and moved on,” wrote a fourth.
Check out the full video here.