
Leading dentist shares why you should never skip brushing your teeth on long haul flights

Leading dentist shares why you should never skip brushing your teeth on long haul flights
Almost Everyone Makes This Mistake After Brushing Their Teeth
Money Talks News / VideoElephant

A leading UK dentist has urged people to stick to their oral hygiene routine during long-haul flights.

With Brits packing up and prepping for their summer ventures, many are seemingly forgetting one thing: brushing their teeth.

Some airlines now provide free toothbrushes in the amenity kits when travelling long-haul. If not, Dr Nyree Whitley, chief clinical officer at mydentist, encouraged holiday goers to pack a few dental essentials for the journey.

"If you’re looking to save space in your hand luggage, leaving your toothbrush and toothpaste at home might not be the best idea if you want a comfortable journey," she said. "When we fly, we’re typically in a celebratory holiday mood and so indulge in snacks and drinks to reflect this, such as prosecco, crisps, and sweet treats."

Dr Whitley advises travellers to pack in a travel toothbrush and toothpaste if limited with space, adding: "It’s worth also packing some floss and a mini mouthwash so that you can freshen up throughout your flight."

"To maintain your oral health when travelling, I’d recommend you try and stick to your usual routine, brushing your teeth twice daily," Dr Whitley continued.

She went on to detail the not-so-favourable outcomes if teeth are neglected.

"When you don’t brush your teeth over a couple of days, the plaque on your teeth can start to harden up and turn into tartar, which can, in turn, attract more plaque leading to gingivitis, gum disease and decay," she said.

"My top tip for keeping your oral health in top shape while flying long haul is to wait for an hour after snacking or drinking alcohol or fizzy, sugary drinks to brush your teeth, trying to stick to our usual at-home routine as closely as possible to make sure you have a healthy, happy holiday.”

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