Liam Gallagher hits back at 'stupid c****' as viewers criticise Wembley performance

Liam Gallagher hits back at 'stupid c****' as viewers criticise Wembley performance
Liam Gallagher performs for first time since announcing Oasis reunion
Jack Rathborn

Liam Gallagher hit back at viewers complaining about his performance at Wembley Stadium on Saturday night (September 21) – and as you might expect, the Oasis singer isn't afraid of a little criticism.

Gallagher took to the stage ahead of the Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois fight, which ended in the fifth round after Joshua was knocked out in devastating fashion.

He performed the songs ‘Rock ‘N’ Roll Star’, ‘Supersonic’, and ‘Cigarettes And Alcohol’ – but some fans voiced concerns about Gallagher’s vocals and sound issues.

Never one to back down, Gallagher responded to people who hit out as his performance, calling them “soft c****”.

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One fan reached out to him, writing: "Coolist f***er in Wembley last night Rasta F*** them c**** who’s got there ears stapled to there a***holes. It’s not a f***ing Jason Donovan Gig it’s RnR."

Gallagher replied: "Exactly what do they think this is a f***ing pop concert soft c**** can’t handle the punk rock vibes."

Replying to another, he hit out at people criticising him, saying: “F*** THEM PU*** HOSE.”

One more fan asked him what he thought of the people who "complaining how you sounded yesterday", Gallagher replied: "F*** THEM SP**KBUBBLES."

It comes after the singer issued a brutal two-word statement following the fallout from the Oasis ticket sales after fans complained about the cost, leaving millions disappointed.

Earlier this month, he took to X/Twitter writing: "OASIS are back your welcome and I hear there ATTITUDE STINKS good to know something’s never change LF***KING x".

Inevitably, Gallagher's tweet reignited the ticket debate with hundreds swarming to his post to express their dismay.

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