Stephanie Cockroft
Jun 20, 2021

It’s a symbolic flag which, especially during the month of June, can be seen outside countless homes and businesses to celebrate Pride Month.
But one couple have now been threatened with a daily fine for daring to fly a tiny rainbow flag outside their home in Florida.
Bob Plominski and Mike Ferarri, who live in Oakland Park, hung the flag underneath their mailbox on June 1, in a nod to Pride Month.
But, days later, they received a letter from the Eastland Cove Homeowners Association (HOA), warning them to remove it by June 15, or face a $50 (£36) daily fine.
Plominksi told NBC6: “It’s a simple showing of our pride to the community and it’s up for 30 days. We were in shock they were going to do that.”
The couple, who do not intend to take the flag down, say they have erected other flags and signs at their home before, including political ones, and have never received a similar complaint.
Ferarri said: “I really think it’s because it’s a gay pride flag and someone in the neighbourhood is offended – simple as that.”
A member of the HOA board told NBC6 that it isn’t discrimination and association is simply following the rules, which state that only American flags or those related to the military are allowed to be flown in the neighbourhood.
Plominski has vowed to keep the flag up until the end of June and are taking the case to a grievance committee.
“We’re not going to back down on this one,” he said.
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