
Microsoft returning to Gamescom and reveals what it will show

Microsoft returning to Gamescom and reveals what it will show
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Maven - Geek Culture on Parade / VideoElephant

Microsoft has confirmed it is returning to Gamescom in 2024 and given a teaser of some of the games it will show off with Sony and Nintendo having said they will not attend.

Gamescom is a leading video games fair and it's held every year in Cologne, Germany.

It's said to be the biggest of its kind in Europe and, usually, Microsoft and Nintendo regularly attend.

It's therefore come as a bit of surprise Nintendo said it would not be attending this time around; Sony do not usually attend this event.

Microsoft has also said this year, it will have its "biggest booth yet".

Microsoft also revealed in a follow-up tweet that Age of Mythology: Retold, Avowed, Ara: History Untold, Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred, Diablo Immortal, The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, Towerborne and World of Warcraft: The War Within will all be on show with announcements of more to come.

Meanwhile, Sony confirmed to Eurogamer it will not be attending Gamescom; it usually prefers to host its own showcases.

A Sony spokesperson said: "We currently have no plans to exhibit at Gamescom 2024."

It seems Nintendo is planning a slightly quieter 2024 with 2025 set to be a big year for the Japanese brand as it continues to work on the Switch successor.

A Nintendo UK spokesperson told Eurogamer: "Gamescom is a great event and each year we evaluate whether Nintendo should participate or not.

"After careful consideration from all perspectives, we've made the decision not to be present at Gamescom 2024.

"Players will have opportunities to try out Nintendo Switch games at other events throughout the year."

Each of these three companies have already outlined what to expect from the rest of the year in their summer showcases.

Gamescom runs August 21-25.

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