
New Lara Croft Tomb Raider game: Everything we know so far

New Lara Croft Tomb Raider game: Everything we know so far
What we think the new Tomb Raider should be
ESR 24/7 Esports Network / VideoElephant

In 2022, Crystal Dynamics revealed a new Lara Croft game currently known as Tomb Raider Next which is being backed by Amazon and being developed in Unreal Engine 5.

When it releases, it will be the first entry in the mainline series since Shadow of the Tomb Raider back in 2018 which wrapped up a much darker, grittier trilogy of games starring Lara Croft as the main protagonist.

2023 proved a barren year for any Tomb Raider news, announcements or even rumours but 2024 is proving more fruitful so far.

Earlier in 2024, Crystal Dynamics shared a redesign of Lara Croft with the roots of the character model seemingly coming from the more recent games rather than the first ones that came out in the 1990s.

Crystal Dynamics' redesign of Lara Croft for the latest Tomb Raider game / Crystal Dynamics

Amazon announced in May there will be a Tomb Raider series on Prime Video which will be written and produced by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, renowned for Fleabag.

Speaking to Variety, Amazon Games vice president Christoph Hartmann said there will be no ties between the new game and the upcoming series and that the two different titles will stand alone.

He cited the Spiderman franchise as an example of this.

In the same interview, Hartmann also revealed there could be an update on the Tomb Raider game very soon.

"It's not going to be tomorrow, but it's not too far away," he said.

"We're getting into a much more regular cadence of shipping games. That's all I'm allowed to tell you right now...

"It's all about quality. You don't want to just be rushed out. That doesn't work. It has to be Triple-A quality, because the bar is so high."

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