
Helldivers 2 director confirms the 'review bomb' cape is happening

Helldivers 2 director confirms the 'review bomb' cape is happening
Helldivers 2 Official Warbond Viper Commandos Announcement Trailer
Automoto TV - Gaming / VideoElephant

The chief creative officer of Arrowhead Game Studios, which develops Helldivers 2, Johan Pilestedt has confirmed the 'review bomb' cape is ready to go and developers are waiting for the "right time" to release it.

After Helldivers 2 was review bombed on Steam at the start of May following the announcement from Sony that PC players would have to link a PSN account to play, with positive reviews then flooding in to fix this when the decision was reversed, a Steam graph perfectly captured this dramatic u-turn.

Steam reviews can be viewed as a graph to see what kinds of reviews were submitted over a specific time period.

Helldivers 2 community member mjbga04 created an in-game cape design of this graph.

It impressed Arrowhead as one of its official accounts shared a picture of the design with the caption: "This 'Accidental Cape Design' actually goes so hard."

And Pilestedt has confirmed it's a case of when, not if, the cape will be released by Arrowhead.

For those that might not know what happened, let's rewind a bit.

Previously, Sony reportedly said due to "technical issues" at the launch of Helldivers 2, it allowed the linking of Steam accounts to PSN accounts to be optional.

Following what was described as a "grace period", the company planned for new players to have to link these accounts and for existing players to eventually do the same to continue playing for safety and security, it said.

Hundreds of thousands of PC players then review bombed the game on Steam in protest though, plummeting an upper 'mostly positive' rating down to 'mixed'.

They also threatened to quit the game entirely and some demanded full refunds.

Seeing the backlash this had, Sony seemed to listen and announced a U-turn on its decision and loads of positive Steam reviews were then submitted to reverse its reduced score.

Since learning about the 'review bomb' cape, players have been clamouring for it to be made available by Arrowhead.

And Pilestedt has confirmed the studio is waiting for "the right time to release it".

It's not known exactly when it will be available but keep eyes peeled for any announcements.

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