
GTA 6: Live updates as Autumn 2025 game release date still on track

How GTA 5's Michael Really Feels About GTA 6's Lucia
SVG / VideoElephant

Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two hosted an earnings call where it was confirmed GTA 6is still on track to release in Autumn 2025.

Fans were for news of a second trailer, screenshots or even gameplay footage but at the very least, there was going to be an official update on the game's release window, which proved to be the case.

Take-Two confirmed in an annual report in September the game was on track then.

Rockstar Games dropped the first, and so far only, trailer for GTA 6 in December 2023 and there has not been any update from the studio about it since.

GTA 6 has been at the centre of a number of huge leaks including the 90+ videos of early development footage that were posted in 2022 and the trailer getting leaked on social media shortly before it was due to drop.

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ICYMI: Autumn 2025 release remains on track says Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two

A screenshot of a woman standing in a car with its roof down with her arms in the air from the GTA 6 trailerGTA 6 is on schedule for an Autumn 2025 releaseRockstar Games

GTA 6 remains on track to release in Autumn 2025, according to Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two, which will be music to the ears of fans around the world.

Ahead of a quarterly earnings call for Take-Two, scheduled to take place on November 6 at 9.30pm GMT / 4.30pm ET / 1.30pm PT, the company shared documents which included the latest details on when the company is planning for the most highly-anticipated game of all time to release.

A release said: "With many exciting new titles coming in Fiscal 2026 - including GTA 6 in the Fall, Borderlands 4 and Mafia: The Old Country - we expect to create long-term value for our shareholders."

Fiscal 2026 refers to the financial year that starts in April 2025 and ends in March 2026.

Read the full story here.

'Moon theory' explained

Now that Take-Two's earnings call has been and gone with the news GTA 6 is still on track to release in Autumn 2025, and with still no official update from Rockstar Games itself, the 'moon theory' is gaining traction again among fans eager for any kind of updates.

To explain, the 'moon theory' is that Rockstar teases when a huge announcement is coming by including an image of what the moon will look like on the day of that key announcement in an update for something like GTA Online.

Stay with me on this one...

In September 2023, Rockstar posted an update for GTA Online which included a Waning Gibbous moon.

On December 1 2023, when there was a Waning Gibbous moon, Rockstar revealed the date and time the GTA 6 trailer would drop.

Because of this, there are a number of people that believe in the 'moon theory' and that Rockstar uses it as a way to tease big announcements.

It's come up again because in a GTA Online update posted by Rockstar on November 1, a Waning Gibbous moon was used in a featured image again and the next one that will appear in real life comes on November 22.

So fans think that Rockstar is set to drop an update for the game on November 22...

It's that time again people.

Announcement theory

There's a theory on Reddit that Rockstar would need to share an update on GTA 6 in November and not December for a crucial reason.

adamcookie26 said: "I think GTA 6 news would have to release now in November so it wouldn't overshadow Mafia news in December."

A screenshot was also shared of a teaser trailer for Mafia: Old Country which released earlier this year which ends with the message: "See more December 2024."

Any_Fig_1164 commented: "One of the only things that makes sense in this Subreddit."

yousif567 said: "This is what I've been saying since August too. Since Mafia is getting a trailer in December, it would be in Take Two's best interest to put out GTA 6 trailer two in November (particularly by late November) to avoid overshadowing Mafia in December."

Ni_Ce_ said: "So why not January or later? Lol."

More Reddit reaction to game release being on track

Sad-Construction-419 posted a meme of there not being an announcement for a second trailer but that the release is still on track in the GTA 6 Subreddit.

Accomplished_Sun_852 said: "Honestly I think we are all a little relieved."

EquivalentGrand3087 said: "Happy with that, I'm only expecting news in December."

gridExT said: "Works for me."

Reddit reaction to game release being on track

Redditors have been reacting to GTA 6 still being on track to release in Autumn 2025 in the game's Subreddit.

AloneBear8117 said: "Well at least THAT'S good news, better than nothin."

EliteFireBox said: "Maybe everything is gonna be alright chat."

Witext said: "Thank god, with no trailer announcement, I was ready for the worst."

ChocolateJesus33 said: "Hell yeah. Of course they can still delay it in May or April but for now I can feel good. Even if they don't give us a trailer until Spring."

WeeklySavings said: "That's good to hear."

No investor questions on GTA 6

Take-Two bosses were quizzed by investors after they made their prepared remarks during the earnings call.

But there were no questions about GTA 6 at all.

It seems investors know Take-Two and Rockstar will remain tight-lipped over any news about the game until either is ready to share updates on their own terms.

More from Take-Two's earnings call

Take-Two revealed GTA 5 has now surpassed 205m copies sold with Red Dead Redemption 2 moving past the 67m mark.

Strauss Zelnick, chair and CEO of Take-Two, said: "Sales of GTA 5 outperformed our expectations. GTA Online also exceeded our plans. Momentum also continued with GTA+ as Rockstar grew its membership by 35 per cent over last year."

Full story: Autumn 2025 release remains on track says Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two

A screenshot of a woman standing in a car with its roof down with her arms in the air from the GTA 6 trailer

GTA 6 is on schedule for an Autumn 2025 release

Rockstar Games

GTA 6 remains on track to release in Autumn 2025, according to Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two, which will be music to the ears of fans around the world.

Ahead of a quarterly earnings call for Take-Two, scheduled to take place on November 6 at 9.30pm GMT / 4.30pm ET / 1.30pm PT, the company shared documents which included the latest details on when the company is planning for the most highly-anticipated game of all time to release.

A release said: "With many exciting new titles coming in Fiscal 2026 - including GTA 6 in the Fall, Borderlands 4 and Mafia: The Old Country - we expect to create long-term value for our shareholders."

Fiscal 2026 refers to the financial year that starts in April 2025 and ends in March 2026.

Read the full story here.

GTA 6 still on track for Autumn 2025 release

Good news - according to documents published ahead of the earnings call, GTA 6 is still on track to release in Autumn 2025.

A release said: "With many exciting new titles coming in fiscal 2026 - including GTA 6 in the Fall, Borderlands 4 and Mafia: The Old Country - we expect to create long-term value for our shareholders."

Fiscal 2026 refers to the financial year that starts in April 2025 and ends in March 2026.

Take-Two earnings call - what to expect

Take-Two's latest earnings call starts on November 6 at 9.30pm GMT / 4.30pm ET / 1.30pm PT when there will some sort of update on GTA 6.

While fans are hopeful of news of a second trailer, screenshots or maybe even a look at some gameplay, at the very least there will be an update on the release window.

The last update from Take-Two came in September when an annual report revealed the game is still on track to release in Autumn 2025.

The latest earnings call will reveal if that is still the case or if there has been a delay as a minimum.

Rockstar has a history of making announcements around the time of Take Two earnings calls to help drive interest and investment in the company.

While there is still time before the call, this does not seem to be the case this time around.

After the official presentation has finished, investors have the opportunity to ask questions and there is usually a handful of them about GTA 6.

Take-Two stock price check

Take-Two's stock price is at the highest it's been for five months, since early June, which was just after the company narrowed down the release window of GTA 6.

Earlier on November 6, the price reached $167.20, just shy of the June 5 high of $167.43.

The highest it's been so far in 2024 was on February 8 when it peaked at $169.60.

The company's stock shares have fluctuated whenever there's been news about GTA 6.

Whether this spike has anything to do with an upcoming announcement remains to be seen but it may signal good news for fans, even if it's just Take-Two confirming the game is still on track for an Autumn 2025 release.

Neither Rockstar or Take-Two have shared any update as of yet.

GTA 6 development discussion

Redditors in the GTA 6 Subreddit are discussing what stage of development they think the game is at.

AlphaCin33, who posted, said: "Do we think they have finished active development and are now in testing / bug fixes?"

And other social media users have been sharing their thoughts.

One user said: "Crazy to think that GTA 6 the game exists right now and is likely entirely playable, just out of our reach."

Bogki said: "Probably debugging phase. Maybe adding the last voice lines, fine tuning some animations and lots of testing and testing and testing. I would say they're about 97 per cent done with everything."

LooseSpaghet said: "Getting all the licensing handled for music / podcasts."

Houser's comments 'aged like milk'

Redditor imrelith posted in the GTA 6 Subreddit that Houser's comments "aged like milk".

Other social media users have been sharing their thoughts too.

trustmebro24 said: "I just wanna play this damn game normally 😭"

Rick_The_Mullet_Man said: "Perhaps if they didn't waste so much time on GTA Online, they could have released it in 2021-24."

Ni_Ce_ said: "They had six years after those statements..."

What Dan Houser said in 2018

A number of social media users are worried GTA 6 will be delayed after Republican candidate Donald Trump won the US election 2024.

In an interview with GQ in 2018, co-founder of Rockstar Games Dan Houser said he was "thankful" to not be releasing the game with Trump in charge.

"It's really unclear what we would even do with it, let alone how upset people would get with whatever we did," he said.

"Both intense liberal progression and intense conservatism are both very militant and very angry. It is scary but it's also strange, and yet both of them seem occasionally to veer towards the absurd.

"It's hard to satirise for those reasons. Some of the stuff you see is straightforwardly beyond satire. It would be out of date within two minutes, everything is changing so fast."

Houser resigned from the company in 2020.

Rockstar 'hinting' reaction

Redditors have been reacting to the theory Rockstar is set to announce something imminently about GTA 6 based on its recent Tweet on Red Dead Online having similarities to one posted this time last year just before the first GTA 6 trailer was announced.

SplitOutside9081 said: "We'll definitely hear something. May not be the thing we want to hear nor be the thing we expected. Anything is better than an actual delay."

KingHamza_15 said: "Hopefully we do get an announcement."

Technical_Motor_6362 said: "Good thing to remember is that it's the election, guys it would be kinda dumb to release the trailer when everybody is either voting or thinking about the results."

Rockstar 'trolling or hinting at an announcement'

A prominent X / Twitter account that regularly posts about GTA and Rockstar Games has said: "Rockstar is either trolling or hinting at an announcement as they made a nearly identical post to the one they made a day before the first GTA 6 announcement last year."

@GTAVI_Countdown is referring to Rockstar's most recent Tweet about a Red Dead Online update.

Rockstar shared something similar last year before then announcing the date for the first GTA 6 trailer, which is still the only official update from the studio itself at present.

Fears Donald Trump's election 'win' could delay GTA 6

A number of social media users have shared fears about GTA 6 being delayed if Donald Trump wins the US election 2024.

The Democratic candidate has declared victory despite it not being official at the time of writing - he stands on the brink though with 266 electoral votes; 270 is needed to win and seven results are left to be announced.

An interview with co-founder of Rockstar Games Dan Houser from 2018 has resurfaced in which he said he is "thankful" to not be releasing GTA 6 during Trump's presidency, adding some things in today's world are "beyond satire".

And it's led to a number of social media users fearing GTA 6 could be pushed back if Trump does get over the line and becomes President of the United States once again.

Former GTA 6 designer comments reaction

Redditors in the GTA 6 Subreddit have been reacting to Ben Hinchcliffe's comments about the game.

Hinchcliffe is a former lead designer at Rockstar Games who worked on GTA 6.

MixReasonable4397 said: "'Realism' is the key takeaway from all this. Seems like y'all gore haters and anti-speed limit mechanics are in for a shock next year 😂😂"

Latter_Commercial_52 said: "This is Rockstar's second make or break title. We waited over a decade for it. They know if it somehow busts it's the end of them, so they're gonna make it the best it can possibly be."

PapaYoppa said: "Welp guess all the people who hate the realism aspect are gonna be upset 🤣 me personally I love this news, GTA needs to evolve from an arcadey experience to a more realistic one 🤷 at least in my opinion."

Former GTA 6 designer says game will 'blow people away'

Ben Hinchcliffe, a former lead designer at Rockstar Games who worked on GTA 6, said in a recent interview the studio will be polishing the game a year out from release and it will be worth the wait.

In a viral clip from the interview, Hinchcliffe said: "It will blow people away, it will sell an absolute ton as it always does, people will be talking about it for ages afterwards just like they did with GTA 5.

"I think they've raised the bar again, they always do and I just think they have done again with GTA 6.

"I'd say a year out on a title that big, you're wanting to really tighten it in every corner, so a lot of bug fixing, a lot of nailing stuff down because there will be hundreds of side cases."

He added he's "excited to see how much things have changed" since he left Rockstar after already being impressed with how realistically NPCs behave as an example and that GTA games stand out because of the choices players can have to complete mission objectives.

Rockstar Games post on social media - but it's about Red Dead Online

Rockstar Games, who had not posted on X / Twitter since November 1, have shared an update - but it's for Red Dead Online.

A post with a link to their Newswire said: "Traders can enjoy boosted rewards and bonuses in Red Dead Online, including 2x RDO$, XP, and Role XP on all Trader Sales throughout November.

"Plus returning Limited-Time Clothing, a new Featured Series, rewards from previous Outlaw Passes, and more."

And as usual, the majority of comments are clamouring for an update on GTA 6.

'Perfect time' reaction

In a post that's since been removed by GTA 6 Subreddit moderators, social media users shared their thoughts on @GTAVI_Countdown's Tweet that "today is the perfect time for a new GTA 6 announcement".

Brokenskull210 said: "They are waiting for us to stop waiting and then post something big."

Fushigibama said: "Everyday is a perfect day for GTA 6 news 😆"

wasservilla said: "Nothing will happen at all."

'Perfect time for GTA 6 announcement'

A prominent X / Twitter account that regularly posts about GTA and Rockstar Games has said: "Today is the perfect time for a new GTA 6 announcement."

The user also listed four key reasons why, which are that it's a Tuesday, Take-Two's latest earnings call is tomorrow, Rockstar has not posted on social media in the last three days and the second GTA 5 trailer was announced 12 years ago today.

But a number of X / Twitter users have said it's highly unlikely as today is also the day of the US election...

Earnings call discussion

Ahead of the Take-Two earnings call, Redditors have been sharing their thoughts about it in the GTA 6 Subreddit.

timusR said: "I have feeling that they will just show screenshots this year."

producedbysensez said: "Feels like they come every month."

Caramel-Mother said: "Let's go."

Routine_Resort_9895 said: "Please still be on track for Fall 25."

EcoomyFit2796 said: "Meh I don't think they'll announce something, I'll keep my expectations extremely low."

What to expect from Take-Two earnings call

A screenshot of a woman in a white bikini in the GTA 6 trailer

Take-Two's earnings call will have an update on GTA 6

Rockstar Games

Take-Two's latest earnings call starts on November 6 at 9.30pm GMT / 4.30pm ET / 1.30pm PT when there will be an update on GTA 6.

While fans are hopeful of news of a second trailer, screenshots or maybe even a look at some gameplay, at the very least there will be an update on the release window.

The last update from Take-Two came in September when an annual report revealed the game is still on track to release in Autumn 2025.

The latest earnings call will reveal if that is still the case or if there has been a delay.

Rockstar has a history of making announcements around the time of Take Two earnings calls to help drive interest and investment in the company.

After the official presentation has finished, investors have the opportunity to ask questions and there is usually a handful of them about GTA 6.

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