
10 ways to become a more positive person


Amidst the maelstrom of politics, work, and life stress, sometimes it’s difficult to remain positive.

But thankfully Reddit users got together to share different techniques they’ve used that bring a bit of much-needed positivity to their lives.

Here are ten of the best ones:

1. Have a daily journal where you write the happy things that happened that day

In a journal, write down the 3 most positive things and 1 most negative thing that happened 'today' at the end of every day. At the end of the week, review and make a new top 3/1 list. Repeat at the end of the month. Do that every month, and then compare the months at the end of the year.

Two things will happen:

(1) You'll start looking for positive things, so you have something to write about at the end of the day. I believe this is the core of being happy.

(2) Reviewing your happy memories is fun, but reviewing your negative moments each week will show you how trivial most of the negatives were, and that even the big tragedies don't hurt so much over time.


2. Compliment people

Maybe not the same person every day but finding something nice to say about something helps



3. Exercise 

Physical activity: I can't believe how many times I've learned, forgotten, and re-learned this lesson. All of life's nonsense seems so much easier to deal with when you're working out regularly.



4. Let the small things go

So much easier to let things go. This was a huge thing for me. 99 per cent of the time it's just easier to not say anything. Engaging in negativity is bad for everyone involved.



5. Every day, give yourself a present

Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.

- Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks


6. Practise G.L.A.D

A counselor I saw for depression and anxiety while in college taught me a quick technique for bringing a little more positivity in my life. She told me to take a moment to think about things that made me GLAD (Grateful, Learned, Accomplished, Delighted). When I was deep in the thick of all my negative shit, I kept a journal and wrote a couple sentences for each element of GLAD every day. Now, I just do it when I’m really upset about something.

-biscuits_and_ gravy

7. Be present

For me, the best way is to feel life. Internally feeling the texture of my own skin, feeling the air go in my lungs, feeling my muscles engage as I use them. Externally, hear the birds sing and watch them fly, watch the people around me run, work, talk, eat, fight, love, feel the ground under my feet and its vibrations. In essence, I strive to remove the meaning that my mind places on the world and I let the world create its own meaning.

I centre myself, observe, and then strive to love every little bit of it; the good and the bad. I end up experiencing something existential. Not a crisis though. More like awe. It's as if I'm bearing witness to a moment in time and space that has never been, but is, and will likely never be again with these same variables. In those moments, I am simply happy to exist. It's brightens up the rest of my life too.


8. Treat yourself more lovingly

This one is incredibly difficult, and one that I still struggle with on a daily basis. But I have hope that it can get better. Therapy is what helped me. It's certainly possible to accomplish this without therapy, but it can be so helpful when you find the right therapist. Please, remember this. Despite what our culture says, you are no less valuable if you don't love yourself. The phrase "You can't love someone else until you love yourself" is just not true. You are lovable and capable of love even if you don't love yourself, but that said, it is so much healthier to strive to love yourself. I know there's a lot of stigma around therapy, but I promise you, it can help pretty much anyone if you find a good match with a therapist.


9. Utilise the word 'that's okay'

I utilise the phrase “that’s ok” so much. It’s been life changing. Something bad happens to me, that’s ok. I will deal with it practically. Something goes awry? That’s ok. I’ve dealt with worse and come through unscathed. Catching myself saying negative things about myself or my abilities? That’s ok. Next time I’ll treat myself with love.

Just an air of quiet, persistent optimism and accepting that even if I’m not positive right now, I can be next time.


10. Get rid of social media

Ditching Facebook really helped. This last election really put the nail in the coffin for me, family fights, friends posting "facts" that weren't backed by any data. It is cancer folks.


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