A monkey has been filmed browsing Instagram, and people on the internet are collectively losing their minds.
The one-minute clip, which went viral on Reddit and then was quickly shared to Twitter, appears to show a particularly precocious chimpanzee scrolling through the popular social media app, clicking on photographs, viewing profiles, and even watching videos.
Needless to say, when people on Twitter viewed the footage, they all went (wait for it...) APES***. Yes, we're here all day.
Some were extremely creeped out.
Others realised that smartphone technology doesn't just subdue humans. IT SUBDUES ALL SENTIENT BEINGS.
Others loved the footage.
And used it to be rude to their friends.
It's pretty chilling, isn't it.
Will they take over the world?
Cue the terrible puns.
We thought it was a 'human' interface?
Some were simply surprised.
Some even thought the monkey had better Instagram skills than them.
The video, which News.com.au reports might be a little dated, comes a month after separate footage of an ape scrolling through Instagram also went viral after it was shared on Reddit to the DamnThatsInteresting thread.
According to a 2015 study on apes' memories, primates are more interested in watching footage that features people dressed as King Kong, as opposed to those not dressed as King Kong in ape-like outfits, reports News.com.au.
Get ready to bow down to our monkey overlords.
HT News.com.au
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