Louis Staples
Feb 21, 2019

In terms of gender norms, society is slowly beginning to move in the right direction. No longer do people automatically assume a doctor is a man, or a primary school teacher is a woman.
Thankfully, the campaign for gender equality hasn’t been gaining traction in terms of people’s attitudes, but also in terms of laws protecting women and girls.
Though not everyone is on board.
Recently, one Reddit has displayed this after asking the internet why women’s parking spaces exist. Yes, really. The user became irritated when coming across a sign in the parking lot that read: “Female employee parking space only!”
He decided to ask the internet their thoughts, saying: "Let me clarify I am not 'irate' or 'fuming' about it, but I dont really buy into the whole chivalry, white knighting culture that the men of previous generations upheld fedora intensifies."
The whole post reads:
"So theres not too much to say, I guess I’m more curious in others opinions on this. I am an approx 22.5 year old man, I recently snagged a really really good job. I work as a corporate level administrator in the trucking industry. It’s been a pretty sweet gig so far and have no complaints as of yet (2 months in). I would also like to preface the following with saying that I work with a very diverse staff of coworkers who are all as professional as they can be, rarely is it that someone cant pull their own weight.
About a week ago I was walking through the parking lot to my car after the end of the day, and I was looking at the sunset through the chain link fence. As my eyes darted around i happened to notice a pink metal plate bolted onto the fence, I thought to myself “woah, what’s that and how did i not notice it before?” So i started reading it and I was immediately greeted with slight disappointment. Basically, it read as follows “FEMALE EMPLOYEE PARKING SPACE ONLY!” with a large symbol in the middle of the sign which is also seen on women’s public bathrooms.
Now, let me clarify I am not “Irate” or “fuming” about it, but I dont really buy into the whole chivalry, white knighting culture that the men of previous generations upheld fedora intensifies. I even asked my fiance when I got home, just to get a female insight on it. She said she thought it was stupid. I guess I’m just coming from the territory of you can show that your a diverse company dedicated to equality, without making tedious or unimportant decisions like special parking. Just my two cents on it though.”
Thankfully, people soon responded with thoughtful responses. Explaining the origin of women’s spaces – to keep women safe – and sharing personal experiences of feeling unsafe in public.
H/T: Bored Panda
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