
Yvette Cooper's graphics department is having a nightmare

Yvette Cooper's campaign team have been tweeting campaign adverts in the battle for the Labour leadership, as you'd expect. They've been having a little bit of a shocker.

Since the rise in popularity of Jeremy Corbyn, Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper were eager to rebrand themselves as "radical", both using the word repeatedly in campaign material.

However, Cooper's use is a little baffling, as a more centrist politician than Corbyn:

We understand that she's trying to ground her policies as modern and Corbyn's as antequated - it's just a bit ham-fisted as attempts go.

Next there was a common misreading of a statement from one of her speeches:

There's a battle on for the soul of our party, I won't duck that fight.

This statement was turned into a campaign poster by her Twitter team.

It provoked the same reaction in a handful of journalists.

Yesterday, her campaign took an upturn, having been backed by The Guardian for the leadership. Things were looking good.

However, Cooper's team tweeted this advert, featuring the word "rubbish" in large font next to her face.

This final tweet has subsequently been deleted - perhaps they took Mr Chambers' advice.

More:About Liz Kendall and Andy Burnham's awkward Labour leadership campaign videos

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