
You won't quite believe what Nick Clegg said about the Sun's manifesto

You won't quite believe what Nick Clegg said about the Sun's manifesto

On Tuesday The Sun set out its vision for Britain in the gloriously-named Sunifesto.

Twenty-four hours later and the paper has published responses from political party leaders to the call for honest politics, a stripped-backed BBC, radical NHS reform and a "real" war on waste - with Nick Clegg providing an astonishingly equivocal quote.

Ed Miliband did not comment, but a Labour spokesperson proved it is possible to say nothing in 10 words by providing this statement on behalf of the party: "There are some things we agree with and disagree with."

David Cameron offered this slightly baffling quote (what about 2010, Dave?):

Finally, Nigel Farage had this to say:

You can read the Sunifesto in full here

More: Here's what could happen in the 100 days before the election

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