
You'll never guess who Russia's man of the year is (actually you might)

You'll never guess who Russia's man of the year is (actually you might)

The votes are in and Vladimir Putin has been named Russia's man of the year for the 15th year running.

The Russian president won the political category with 68 per cent of the vote. He has won every year since becoming prime minister in 1999, Interfax reported.

Independent Russian pollster Public Opinion Foundation asked 1,500 people in 43 Russian regions who their men of the year were in a range of fields.

But in sport 68 per cent of people had no answer at all, while in culture 75 per cent of people could not think of anyone.

Russia's man of the year: Past winners

2014 Vladimir Putin

2013 Vladimir Putin

2012 Vladimir Putin

2011 Vladimir Putin

2010 Vladimir Putin

2009 Vladimir Putin

2008 Vladimir Putin

2007 Vladimir Putin

2006 Vladimir Putin

2005 Vladimir Putin

2004 Vladimir Putin

2003 Vladimir Putin

2002 Vladimir Putin

2001 Vladimir Putin

2000 Vladimir Putin

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