Narjas Zatat
Apr 28, 2019

One of the hardest things for a pet owner to do is to make the decision to hand their sick pet into a shelter because they are no longer able to care for them.
With no guarantees about what will happen to your beloved pet, it’s a gamble of whether your furry friend is looked after – or if they’re too ill – put down.
The subreddit Choosing Beggars is a place where people go and share awkward money incidents they’ve had with friends and strangers.
One user posted the following:
Acquaintance left message tearfully *begging* me to take in her sickly untrained dog that she’s about to drop off at the shelter.
When I reluctantly agree to help take the dog in, she then demands $450 (£348) from me.
The person went on to share a text message exchange that happened with the friend, who initially contacted the reddit user to take the dog, which was seven years old and ill.
They were in the process of 'moving in' with their mum and she wouldn’t let the person take the dog, called Luna, with them.
After the good-natured reddit user accepted the dog, the problems began.
The other person wrote: “Oh and I'm only asking 350 for adoption fee…I can give u all the stuff I bought for her like crate and toys and doghouse and stuff for an extra 100".
The redditer said that the only reason they were willing to take the dog was as a “favour”. They were not actively looking to adopt another dog, they already have two dogs and they would “only be taking her because you said otherwise you need to put her in a shelter”.
The back-and-forth went on, and eventually the dog owner said:
If u don’t take her and I need to put her in a shelter she will prob be the 1st to be gassed since she is old and has health probs.
Pls just adopt her its not that much money and will save her life.
The reddit user clapped back with the perfect response:
Dude…You don’t have to put her in a shelter, you can bring her here. I made that clear. But I’m not paying you anything.
Hopefully, the friend listened.
HT Somecards
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