
Elon Musk’s daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson takes aim at father’s ‘f***ing joke’ of a biographer

Elon Musk’s daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson takes aim at father’s ‘f***ing joke’ of a biographer

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After taking aim at her estranged father Elon Musk following comments he made about her transgender identity to Jordan Peterson, Vivian Jenna Wilson has now turned her attention to Walter Isaacson, who published the 2023 biography on the Tesla founder and Twitter/X owner.

Isaacson, who has also penned works on the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and scientist Albert Einstein, repeatedly deadnames Wilson in the book while writing about her gender transition, claims her name is ‘Jenna’ and even includes a reference for the deadname in the index.

He also quotes Musk, who said disagreements between him and Vivian “became intense when she went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that everyone rich is evil”.

Well, Musk certainly didn’t do a good job of shifting that image for him personally, when the billionaire told Peterson last month that his “son” (who he also deadnames) was “dead” because they were “killed” by the “woke mind virus”.

Not exactly the nicest thing you could say about your child, Elon.

Wilson would go on to slam Musk’s remarks in that interview on Threads (Instagram’s text-based rival to Twitter/X), and she’s now using the platform again to criticise her father and Isaacson.

In a lengthy thread, she claims the writer “threw me to the wolves” in “one of the most humiliating experiences of my entire life”, by portraying her in a “genuinely defamatory” light.

“Elon was your darling Tony Stark apartheid-American hero with a semi-tragic backstory who was saving the world and you were too f***ing cowardly to write anything other than a sad excuse for a puff-piece.

“I was deadnamed, and misgendered for no conceivable reason and made to seem like I was just too stupid or too ‘communist’ or too brainwashed or too what-f***ing-ever to understand the 4D chess behind the reasons I was traumatised.

“My identity was trivialised, my reasons for separation were misconstrued, and I was treated as naïve; stupid, unfairly unforgiving and unreasonably moralistic. Worst of all, this was the section that was released early as part of the ‘promo’ because you knew it would catch headlines as part of this culture war bull****. You knew that conservatives and ‘reactionaries’ would take this and run as far as they could with it to get clicks, or to smear my name for their own self interests.”

Wilson adds she was treated as a “villain backstory-origin” in the book to “excuse or explain away” Musk’s behaviour, and while she was “content” to be Isaacson’s “queer villain”, she is ‘haunted’ by the fact the biography “may have been used as justification by parents to not let their trans child obtain potentially life-saving medical treatment”.

Wilson goes on to write that she was never approached to say anything for the book, and suggests Isaacson is either “completely f***ing incompetent at the most basic aspects of your ‘job’” or is “weaponising [his] own lack of effort to try to lift the blame off of yourself because you knew damn well what you were doing”.

“I know for a goddamn f***ing fact that you had the information necessary to contact me directly and you didn’t. It’s not exactly neuroscience when all you had to do was ask for my f***ing phone number. Therefore, this 'omg we like totally tried….' act isn’t gonna work. You deliberately failed because you knew the angle you were going for, and that my testimony would’ve f***ed up your pretty little portrayal of an irredeemable human being.

“I’ve been waiting on talking about this subject because it genuinely hurts so much to remember. That memory of sobbing my eyes out in a dormitory worrying that I didn’t have a future because of the damage this thing did to my reputation will forever stay with me.

“You, your editors, and your publisher are a f***ing joke for letting this thing be released into the public. I had to see posters of this thing for MONTHS afterwards.”

Wilson also pointed out that she goes by Vivian and not Jenna, and called for people not to send hate to Isaacson because she doesn’t “think that reflects well on anyone”.

Nevertheless, a number of Twitter/X users have made Isaacson aware of the accusations under his most recent tweet on Sunday:

Neither Isaacson or Musk have commented publicly on Wilson’s latest remarks.

Indy100 has reached out to Isaacson for comment.

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