Sophia Ankel
Mar 02, 2019

Getty Images/iStockphoto
While many women are all too familiar with mansplaining – from everything to do with politics to feminism – one man took it to a whole other level, and truly out-mansplained himself when he tried to explain the difference between vulvas and vaginas.
It all started when the Guardian tweeted about a recent photography series, entitled "Me and my vulva: 100 women reveal all". The aim of the series, created by Laura Dodsworth, was to share "stories of 100 women and gender non-conforming people through portraits of their vulvas".
But naturally, one man on Twitter, called Paul Bullen, took it upon himself to correct the tweet, commenting underneath: "The correct word is vagina."
Cue exhibit A of mansplaining.
In response, a group of highly intelligent women educated Bullen about a body part that – and he needed reminding – he didn't have.
One woman in particular decided to call out the mansplaining, writing to Paul directly:
But instead of just accepting the fact that these women were right, Bullen responds to the tweet writing (and cue exhibit B of mansplaining):
Yep, that's right. This man truly managed to mansplain mansplaining – a feat which, up until this point, seemed almost impossible.
And it doesn't stop there. When a gynaecologist intervened, pointing him to a diagram explaining the difference between the two words, based one her research, Bullen fought back again.
He. Just. Keeps. Going. You really have to hand it to him - he's committed if nothing else.
But unfortunately for him, the tweet went viral and in the end he was left defeated by an onslaught of women (and men) telling him to just stop.
Even Dictionary.com chimed in.

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