
US Measles outbreak is worse it’s been in 25 years, this thread perfectly explains why anti-vaxxers are wrong

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There is currently the worst measles outbreak in the United States that's happened for 25 years, and this Twitter thread is the perfect explanation as to why the anti-vaxx argument is completely flawed.

The outbreak is reportedly caused by the fact that vaccination rates have fallen exponentially among children, which have in turn been fuelled by fear, misinformation, and 'bad science'.

According to the Washington Post, the anti-vaxxers are targetting the very communities being ravaged by the infectious disease, chief among them being Del Bigtree, who recently held an anti-vaxx rally in New York.

So, in light of these terrifying statistics, and the growing fervour in the movement, we're reposting this argument from a woman who developed a life-long illness after getting a vaccine. Despite this, she is still firmly pro-vaccines - and here's why.

HT Daily Kos

More: This anti-vaxx mum asked how to protect toddler from a measles outbreak - and people cannot quite believe it

More: Anti-vaxx mum has major meltdown after her daughter gets vaccinated at school

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