
There's one surprising thing people really won't do for love

Picture: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Picture: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

No matter how in love you are, all relationships require a bit of compromise.

Or a lot, if you've managed to find yourself a fixer-upper.

New research from YouGov has revealed that British people feel much more strongly about some sacrifices they might have to make for a partner than others.

It turns out people are more willing to move house, give up a job or leave a country than they are to becoming a vegetarian for the sake of their beloved.

When asked 'which of the following , if any, would you be willing to do if a long-term romantic partner asked you?', 1,652 people responded as follows:

  • 73 per cent of people said they'd move within the UK

  • 66 per cent said they'd stop smoking

  • 49 per cent said they'd move abroad

  • 45 per cent said they'd stop drinking

  • 29 per cent said they'd give up a job

  • 24 per cent said they'd become vegetarian

  • 14 per cent said they'd ditch a friend

  • 5 per cent said they'd convert religion

On average only 23 per cent of people asked said they would change the way they look if a partner asked them - but 33 per cent of men would think about it, compared to just 13 per cent of women.

Most interestingly of all, more than four in ten people would apparently dump someone who wasn't willing to change.

How'd you like them apples?

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