
Trump tagged the wrong Megan Rapinoe on Twitter, and her excellent response has gone viral

We all know by now that Donald Trump and Twitter go together like a horse and a carriage, or a, erm, idk... beach towel and the sand.

Anyway, the president of the United States took to the social media platform in order to unleash a firestorm of criticism onto women's soccer star Megan Rapinoe on Wednesday, after she told reporters that she wouldn't attend the White House if her team wins the 2019 Women's World Cup.

Speaking to news outlet Eight By Eight, Rapinoe said:

I'm not going to the f****** White House

We're not going to be invited. 

In an interview with the magazine, she added:

[Trump] tries to avoid inviting a team that might decline. Or, like he did when the Warriors turned him down, he'll claim they hadn't been invited in the first place.

The video interview with the sportswoman was shared to Twitter by Eight by Eight on Tuesday, however, it was reportedly recorded in January, when the original interview took place.

In response, however, The Donald issued a furious rant on his Twitter account, but he made one fatal flaw - he tagged the wrong Megan Rapinoe. Ouch. Although, he has since deleted the tweets.

However, some eagle-eyed Twitter users managed to get screenshots. Joy!

However, fortunately, the 'other' Megan Rapino took the whole thing in her stride, and she let the world know just what she thought of Trump taking Rapinoe to task so publically.

Her quick-witted responses soon went viral, with many applauding her excellent Twitter game.

HT The Upworthy

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